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Membership Fees

The annual subscription year runs from 1st October – 30th September.

Annual subscriptions can be paid by 12 x monthly instalments interest free.

New members in all categories (except Junior members) will be charged a one off joining fee of £100.00.

New members joining part way through the subscription year are entitled to a discount on the relevant category subscription. Contact the Club Manager on 01254 248260 or admin@wilpshiregolfclub.co.uk for further information.

Wilpshire Golf Club operates as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and offers a 4 day membership allowing opportunities to play on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at a cost of £520.00. This membership is available to persons who can demonstrate they cannot afford to pay the higher fees.

Subscription Rates 2024/25

Membership Category Price
Full 7 Day £1050.00
Joint Full Membership £990.00
6 Day (Not Saturday) £930.00
5 Day (Monday - Fri) £800.00
Under 35 £815.00
Under 27 £660.00
Under 24 £550.00
Under 21 £330.00
Junior 14 - 17 £150.00
Junior Under 14 £80.00
Social £60.00